Monday, March 10, 2008

Thank You

We are members of an online support community for kids with allergies/health obstacles and I find a great deal of camaraderie and comfort in the forums, talking with people who deal with the same things that we do. Every time a holiday rolls around, be it Thanksgiving, Christmas and in this case Easter, there are always posts that break my heart. The latest is from a woman whose family simply didn't invite them to their traditional family Easter brunch/egghunt. She asked her mother why plans weren't being made and only then did she find out that they were just going to do the brunch and hunt without them. Everyone seemed to feel that her child's allergies and consequent dietary limitations weren't fair to the other kids in the family. Somehow, food and an easteregg hunt meant more than having their family together.

So I'm saying thankyou to OUR family for being so supportive and considerate. We have never felt like a burden or that Mia is a killjoy. When planning events it has always been in a safe place with Mia's health a paramount concern. Grandma washed her clothes in our detergent on days when she knew she would see Mia. Mom and Dad gave their house over almost entirely to Mia's routine for the summer, The Dollman side always make sure that the birds and cats are relocated to the basement and a month of de-dandering ensues before we visit. No one seems to roll their eyes even on the inside when they have to wash hands after touching food, or not have a peanut snack... we encounter so many people who just don't get it, but thank GOD for having a family that does!
We love you guys!


Anonymous said...

My little hollywood star is always welcome here, and so are her mom and dad

pop pop

Jas said...

Mia and I so come from the same gene pool.



pam said...

My home is your home, always!
love Ya

Sierra said...

Love the pic. Glad to hear you have a place with the fam... I do hope you feel the same way with us. When are we going to go play?