Monday, May 12, 2008

Mamma got crafty!

We are on day 5 of the great quinoa trial. I'm very sorry I have to do this (TMI, I know, but this is my world!) but I really must report that this morning, Mia had what could very well be her first normal BM! She said she had to go potty, and she wasn't kidding! On the downside, she was pretty out of sorts today. Very clingy, not feverish but had that clammy feel like a fever had broken and the sweat dried. She didn't complain about any pains except her feet. No idea what that conglomeration of symptoms would point to!

We ferried Daddy around while his Jeep was getting a checkup. He had a transportation briefing (details about the move) this morning, so we went to JoAnn's and grabbed some supplies to finish the car seat cover. After we picked him up, we went to the hospital where we requested our records, xrays and spoke with Mia's case manager. She's helping us have the smoothest possible transition between medical facilities. We grabbed our grocery bag of prescriptions and headed towards home. We then dropped Gary at the shop, went home and did NOT take a nap. The rest of the day was spent in almost equal parts sewing and play. She thought it was very cool to watch me serge the edges and commended me often. "GOOD MATCHING MOMMY!"

The cover is a triumph for me! I was not willing to drop over $60 for a used one on Ebay (though now I understand why the "custom" covers are $90!) and couldn't find any on Craigslist. I called Mom and Grandma to get their ideas on how to make my own pattern without taking apart our current cover. We decided that draping and pinning the fabric would be the best route so I got busy doing that, tracing the seams and cutting out the pre-pattern (I used an old sheet). I made all of my markings, then traced the sheet pieces onto paper, added seam allowance and transferred markings for holes. Now, for me to use a pre-made pattern is usually a joke. Something always comes out wrong or mismatched and I have to do a lot of seam ripping and re-stitching. However, when I make my own from scratch, the entire thing fits perfectly, except for the skirt that cinches it on, but it was a quick fix. Go figure.

How many more kid-in-a-box pictures can we get away with?

I believe my sister would say, "Woot woot holla holla!" Or something like that.


Sierra said...

Beautiful! Great work you crafty lady! Love the colors and the pattern. I am definitely impressed and you have inspired me to make the baby sling I was planning about a month ago and still haven't gotten around to.

Anonymous said...

you were always crafty :)


we will look at as many pics of Mia in a box as you care to post


Cpeterson said...

seriously if you werent about to move I'd ask you to make a cover for Henry's seat. GREAT JOB!

Jas said...

Um, that is most definitely what I would say! The car seat cover has more bang than a chicken wahng!