Thursday, October 16, 2008

Signs you need to limit NPR time

I am thinking that the NPR on the way to preschool is actually being absorbed by two minds.

1. Mia's vocabulary now contains the following words: Bailout, Crisis, President, VeePee

2. I heard her talking to Obama and McCain in the bathtub.

3. She might be able to hum the themes to various segments on NPR/PRI

4. She claps when the audience claps during speech clips.

5. Mia is probably more politically savvy than most Americans.


In other news, the GI office called today and said that her blood work came back showing that she is a go for 6MP. The PA was worried about the coverage since it would very likely have to be compounded. It does come in pill and capsule form but you can't break or crush them for whatever reason, so they need to mix it in a liquid. Once the PA heard that we already have Atarax compounded she was more optimistic and called the pharmacy. The pharmacist was also feeling good about it, saying they seem to have a lot of luck with TriCare (fingers crossed, knocking on wood). They said the pharmacy will call us once they get the Rx, and submit it to TriCare first so we aren't stuck with a whopper of a bill. It's not cheap stuff. According to one website, 400 pills would set you back about $650, and that's ordering from a discount website.

Speaking of bills, we were nearly going gray over a few notices we received from Children's. Apparently they billed TriCare but never got paid so they sent a few kind worded letters asking that we facilitate an investigation into why they didn't get their money. TriCare said they had no record of pending bills. I called Children's and went over our info, only to find that somehow they were billing under the wrong ss#! TriCare didn't even bother to let Children's know that the number wasn't matching the name or any person on record. So, who do I send my bill to?

1 comment:

Sierra said...

That is too funny! But good for you for teaching her to be aware of the political system. One day, she will be a responsible voter.