Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What a day.

For the past two PT visits, Mia has melted into a puddle of tears and I-don't-know-what. It was sudden, like she just realised that Mommy wasn't with her. I have gone back to the rooms with her the past two times, thinking that it could be a separation anxiety that just kicked in VERY late. When your kids go back with the therapists, they are never really alone. They share rooms and use the hallway and stairway for the most part. We have no clue what clicked in her head, but it doesn't happen to that degree for feeding therapy. Maybe she knows that I'm coming back with her without fail...I don't know. We're puzzled. She did better today than she did lasts week. Last Tuesday we barely got her to do one activity and she was tearing up and on the verge of crying the whole time. This morning we were able to get her to do a puzzle with a magnetic fishing pole (she would then carry the puzzle piece over a step stool and to a designated spot, rinse and repeat). After the puzzle she started crying and ran to me, stuck like a fly on flypaper. We tried to get her to do her favorite things like running and the ball pit but she didn't want to do either. I ended up taking her to the ball pit room where another little guy was getting his therapy and we managed to ease her in. It seems like it's just overload to her little system.

It didn't help that she also had a big owie on her finger. It's definitely an allergic reaction, but it happened between the front door and the clinic. It had to have happened in the car, because her hands were fine when we washed them before leaving. As you can see from the first picture, it's a whopper. She had a little spot that blistered on Sunday and we never figured that one out either.

This one does a better job conveying the size. Keep in mind it's a petite 3 year old finger!
From this angle it just looks like a gray spot, but it's actually a giant blister that looks like it has some pus inside.

All of this happened as I had become more nonchalant about the allergies. Not that I'm letting her play catch with a can of mixed nuts, but I seem to have come down a notch on the vigilance when I clearly shouldn't have. After she goes to bed, I'm scouring the already clean looking kitchen (again) in case I missed some onion or milk or what ever it could be. Tomorrow after OT/FT, I should probably do the same for the car (again). Martha aint got nuthin on me.
The wind is howling outside. There is some scuttlebutt in the weather forecast about snow, but it won't stick. The temperatures aren't consistently low enough for it to stay. My friend Sierra in Anchorage says they already have 4 inches! I guess I do miss that part, having the snow. But this place is still awesome.
I found some great fabric on sale at JoAnns today. I have one of their magazines that has reusable coupons, and they aren't wussy little 10% coupons, either! I also found the most beautiful findings for jewelry making. BIRDS and NESTS! I don't know what it is about birds and nests but I'm so excited that they are the "in" decor right now. I think they are actually on their way out, because the bird decor is on 60% clearance at JoAnns right now. I controlled myself today, but I can't make a promise for tomorrow! They are doing a super sale that is insane, and since crafting isn't for everyone, it isn't loaded with too many people in the store. It's borderline, actually. The patterns are .99 so I'll be going back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how little Mia feels about her little finger. I get the same thing with my Eczema. But my derm says that it's stress induced...but its so painful and annoying. I wish we had a JoAnn's here...we just have Hobby Lobby and Michaels...oh well...better than nothing! =)